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Why We Love Funny Moon Festival

Where in the world is Waldo-slash-Pan


My wife and I have been attending psytrance events the world over for more years than I care to count. I have played in the USA, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and all over Europe. In many cases, I would DJ and she would do visuals, though not at every event. Sometimes it was just me performing, other times just her. Whatever the case, we always had time to enjoy the people and the party after our sets.

One of my all time favorites has been Funny Moon Festival (or gathering depending on who you talk to). We were at the very first one in Zlin, Czech Republic back in 2011. It rained most of the time, and the 350 or so people that were there got covered in mud. But the vibe was epic, despite the weather.

In 2013, they moved to Valec, to a magical place where there was barely a flat surface aside from the DJ booth. But that did not detract in any way from the beauty of the location and people. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, would always smile and say hello as you walked past.

Over the years, the site got bigger and better, with a sound system that was more than enviable. The amount of people that attended went in to the thousands. There was even a swimming pool at the end of the dance floor. The people at the shops were incredibly friendly (and here a huge shout out to Wolfgang and all the crew at the pizza tank) and there was food and drink of every kind available at every corner.

Honestly, I think that it is one of the best organized festivals around. Attention was always paid to little details. The decor this year too, was pretty epic. Sadly, from the stories that I am hearing, this was probably the last one ever, at least with the main promoter involved.

I have heard a few unsettling things - So if there is one next year, please check that it is the original guy. The organizer is a lovely human called Jessie or Laszlo (depending on who you speak to), so if he isn´t involved, it's not Funny Moon. I really hope he finds a new location for next year, what ever it might be called. Huge credit to him for keeping this going for so many years.

Anyway, we had an absolute blast at this epic party. We caught up with old friends and saw some whom we only ever see at Funny Moon. I’ll be sad to see it go. This year, it was just me performing, one set on the main stage and one on the alternative. This gave K and I the opportunity to spend Sunday with the lovely crew and party people.

So, if you are interested, here is my morning set on the main stage. It was already about 27 degrees when I played this, so forgive me if it feels hot.


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